A week-long stay offers detox, weight reduction, Pilates, fitness and yoga. Shanti-Som, as its name suggests, offers a range of oriental therapies, among them ayurveda, harmonyum and reiki. Monda, once a major Roman center, is popular with day-trippers escaping the hustle and bustle of nearby Marbella but few of them bother to take the time to discover this environmentally friendly holistic retreat. Shanti-Som Wellbeing Retreat (Monda, Málaga) 3 A holistic retreat A room in Shanti-Som, Monda (Malaga). Owner Marisol Dy Sánchez offers spa treatments along with yoga, pranayama and meditation sessions prior to abhyanga and shirodhara treatments to infuse stressed-out guests with psychic and physical energy. With magnificent views across the peaks of the Redes natural park, this hotel, built in traditional style with a minimalist interior, manages to recreate something of the Himalayas thanks in large part to the silence that surrounds it, which is punctuated only by the sound of rushing water from nearby crystal-clear streams. 2 Disconnect in Asturias Yoga in Tierra del Agua, Caleao, Asturias. Internet: Double room from €80 euros, breakfast included. At sunset, Muñoz presides over a tea ceremony and then offers Tui Na massages. The day begins shortly before dawn, when a bell is rung calling visitors to the kwoon, or zen meditation room. This Spanish shigung (master) not only offers his guests hospitality, but also initiates them in the mysteries of kung-fu, tai chi and Chinese calligraphy.

1 A shaolin sanctuary A quiet corner in the Priorat del Val, in Villacibio (Palencia).Īlfonso Muñoz Salvarrey’s home in the rugged hills of this northern province is open to anybody looking for silence and contemplation.

The establishments below take the experience of a hotel stay into the realm of the spiritual through techniques such as yoga, Ayurveda, the martial arts or transcendental meditation.

When translated into tourism, this means a focus on the senses, on the feelings, and on allowing the guest time to reflect on what he or she has learned. When it comes down to it, hospitality is above all a spiritual thing: there is nothing kinder, more devout, or elevated in life than to offer refuge to a stranger, to give him or her a place to sleep and something to eat, to dedicate oneself body and soul to making his or her stay as pleasant an experience as possible. Ayurveda treatment at the Tierra del Agua hotel in Caleao, Asturias.